Monday, December 11, 2017

Mega Church Success

 "Deep waters are often Calm on the surface, masking the tourmoil beneath" me

How's that for a heading? 
   Quite interesting when discussing mega churches. I want to create a sense of curiosity. So have I?
  I became a Christian in 1980 something, I remember reading a Chick Publications book, you remember them don't you?
This is a copy of the book that brought me to recieve Christ as my savior.
And this is the page that arested my attention. I remember reading the book and in somewhat of a daze, has that ever happened to you, reading but not really "soaking" it in. 

 Then the graphics stole my complete attention, I began reading more intently. Now as I remember, I had a grandmother who "put up evening prayers " Every evening when the sun went down, and in the morning when she awoke. 
   I remember her plea to us, her grand children. "Who going th church with me?" I voluntared and we walked a half a mile and was picked up by a member of the church.

  Now what does this introduction has to do with Mega Churches?
 Thanks for asking.

  I have a strong belief that when a man or woman, in the capacity of a pastor. Speaks the things God wants them to speak, God will add the people to hear that person.

  I have heard pastors of reputable churches blast and condemn a well known pastor of one of the largest churches in America.

 "He's that smiling preacher"
 "He's preaching too soft"
"Oh, that's that feel good preaching"

The list of criticism is boundless. 

  Then there is the feeding frenzy if any unfaithfulness is found in any Pastor of a Mega Church. Fellow believers, Leaders Pastors of smaller churches all join in the Shark like feeding frenzy in ripping apart the failed Pastor.

   Now as for my Quote at the beginning of this read out. 
  This is not to Blast mega Churches nor to point a finger on their issues. But the suggest a thought that this is the kind of environment God wants to create.

  In One of Jesus' Parables, he talks of vessels in a Great house. That their are some to honor and some to dishonor. 
    Notice that the lesson is not to condemn the house for being great. However Jesus focused his attention on the listeners by suggesting that "They" are all in this great house, and that if they would remain focused, and "Purge themselves, that they could alter, change their function, within the great house.

  It's easy to sit in judgement of fellow believers, or as a non-believer to bask in the hypocrasy of "Christians" or so called Christians. 
  A false sense of self righteousness hits the believer who is under the law, and living with their "pet sin" 
  Aswell for a non-believing individual who says "to much hypocrites are in that big Church"

 The chance to affect change in a Mega Church is huge. When a problem is noticed and you, yes you, step forward to lend you labor to be an aid, you will have prepared yourself to be one of those vessels of Honor sanctified and meet(fit) for the master's use.

Whether you are an atheiest or believer, we all have something to look forward for. A crown, to know the truth of why we were placed here, a second chance to come back, 70 virgins, to be given white beautiful wings. What ever your reward might be. 
 You and only you can prepare yourself to get it.

Thanks for reading.
Kirk out.

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Mega Church Success

 "Deep waters are often Calm on the surface, masking the tourmoil beneath " me How's that for a heading?     Quite inte...